KODE REDEEM FF 2 Agustus 2022, M1014 Demolitionist dan M1887 Rapper Underworld, Pilih Mana di Free Fire ?

- 2 Agustus 2022, 13:03 WIB
Senjata M1014 Demolitionist (atas) dan M1887 Rapper Underworld pada Kode Redeem FF Free Fire.
Senjata M1014 Demolitionist (atas) dan M1887 Rapper Underworld pada Kode Redeem FF Free Fire. /Garena Free Fire

Baca Juga: Keutamaan Puasa 10 Muharram Hapus Dosa Setahun Lalu, Inilah Asyura yang Dijanjikan Allah SWT

FF10-617K-GUF9 > Rapper Underworld M1887

FF11HHGCGK3B > 1x Killer Mind and Engineer Weapon Loot Crate

FF11N7P8763Q > Pumpkin Warrior (Bottom) and Vandal Revolt Weapon Loot Crate

FF11NJN5YS3E > 1x Wasteland Roamer (head) and 1x Atlantic Warrior (shoes)

 FFMC5GZ8S3JC > 1X Black Rose Rocker Mask and 1x Justice Fighter Weapon

Baca Juga: Kuala Kencana, Bukan Spot Wisata Tapi Sangat Hits dan Instagramable, Ini Sejarah Kota Modern Pertama Indonesia

FF11NJN5YS3E > 1x Winterland’s Snowboard and 1x Pink Devil Weapon Loot Crate

FFICJGW9NKYT > 1x Season of Love and 1x Mob Boss Loot Crate 1x Season of Love and 1x Mob Boss Loot Crate

FF11WFNPP956 > 1x Season of Love and 1x Mob Boss Loot Crate


Editor: Kodar Solihat

Sumber: Berbagai Sumber


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